Finch Consulting assures a successful result for clients across many different sectors through a number of approaches. Many of these methods make Finch stand out in the marketplace, which is why clients come back to us time and time again.
Finch also offers training – but of course, we like to do that in a characteristically pragmatic and effective style as well. We want our training to be much more than simply transactional in nature – that is, to arrive on-site, deliver an off the shelf PowerPoint presentation and leave. That’s not our natural style.
How Finch will work with you
It’s easy to spend considerable sums of money annually on training and yet have little to show for it at the end of year review. To avoid this, Finch prefers to work with you to:
- Establish at the outset the scope of the problem you’re trying to solve. After all, training might not be the best solution. If we can see another way to address the issue, we will let you know.
- Scoping the problem allows a collaborative approach to defining clear, measurable learning outcomes. In other words – what will your team be doing differently in 12-18 months that they aren’t doing now?
- Training staff often means that they are away from the workplace. What if Finch worked with you to ensure that you don’t waste time and money giving training to workers who don’t need it, or was able to create an agile, adaptable plan for workplace learning? Learning does not necessarily need to be anchored in a classroom.
- Ensure that the workers who have received the training have the opportunity to use their new knowledge planned in. Research shows that recall of information dips by up to 90% if the learning isn’t reinforced by using it within a matter of days.
- At the end of the activity, evaluate the process and the outcomes. Evaluation of training is much more than filling in the obligatory sheets at the end of the day.
- Ensure that this cycle of improvement continues.
Because we’re committed to supporting our clients’ growth, whilst we do have “standard” courses these are open to being tailored to your individual client needs because your needs won’t be the same as any other client.
How might Finch training improve your business outcomes?
- Machinery Safety courses keep your workers safe and reduce the risk of accidents. Improve your User Requirement Specifications so that additional expenditure is not required to make new machinery compliant with UK legislation.
- Ensure that all your activities take the environment into account.
- Manage often overlooked risks such as noise, vibration, and dust.
Finch can offer you training content across many different disciplines – from machinery safety to managing hand/arm vibration exposure – but our contribution doesn’t end there. Finch can also assist you to get the most out of your training budget, help you select effective providers, and also oversee the evaluation process.
Finch wants its clients to grow to become independent of consultants, rather than make them reliant on them.
For any more information on the training courses we already offer, please take a look at the training services page on our website.
If you would like any more information on any of our courses please don’t hesitate to contact our Head of Training Martin White, [email protected]. Or to book please contact [email protected].
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