
Mining & Minerals Processing

This historical industry requires our knowledgeable experts to help your business succeed.

Finch Consulting is a leading provider of consulting and forensic investigation services to the rapidly redeveloping mining and mineral processing sector in the UK and the established supply chain and operators elsewhere. We work with deep, surface and other extraction operations in critical and non-critical minerals and metals such as tin, lithium, coal, rock, salt, potash and polyhalite.

Having its roots firmly in the deep coal mining industry over four decades, we has evolved and developed our expertise and services with the sector to help our clients deploy and operate mining equipment and processes safely and continually improve. Working with its sibling organisation Tautus to provide test and inspection services, we help keep the high hazard parts of a mine in control, safe and operational.

We have a deep understanding of the unique mechanical and electrical hazards, and the surface and underground environments that challenge our clients and their technology, equipment and people every day. Standing side-by-side as critical friends and sometimes as a moral compass, we help resolve safety and compliance issues in pragmatic ways. Together as a team, we provide assurance and reassurance to the workers from the winding house to the face.

The scale and nature of operations and the use of unique transport systems in mining make many parts highly hazardous, and therefore demanding rigorous and robust risk controls. When incidents do occur, we also offer investigation services to help understand the root cause and provide operators with the insights needed to preventing reoccurrence.

We have particular expertise in helping understand the complex relationships between various pieces of national and international legislation and the appropriate industry standards and guidance. For example, in the UK there is sometimes interplay between The Mines Regulations 2014, and the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008. Finch is often asked to guide clients through the compliance maze towards compliance. We have a proven track record of success in this area, and we can help you achieve your goals.

We focus on our three capabilities and the interaction between them:

Health and Safety Management

We help you develop and implement health and safety programs considering surface and underground operations, from hardware to hygiene to protect your employees, and others.

Process Safety Management

We help you identify and mitigate the risks associated with your processes, such as dust and gas explosions, winding and hoisting systems, mineral processing plants, and hazardous substances.

Asset Management

We help you optimise the performance of your assets and reduce your operating costs.

If you are a client who is looking to develop or redevelop a mine at any stage, or buying and repurposing mining and process equipment, Finch Consulting is a great resource. We have the expertise and experience you need to make your project a success.