
Howard Wheeler delivered presentation on UKCA Marking to British Plastic Federation members

UKCA Marking

UKCA and UKNI marking: What Plastics Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors Need to Know” was delivered yesterday by Howard Wheeler to a large audience of British Plastic Federation members. This marked the BPF’s 50th webinar of 2021.

The presentation was received extremely well, with Howard drawing upon his in-depth knowledge to answer some complex questions.

In a nutshell, the presentation focused on the following; The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed Assessment) mark is the new UK product marking required for certain products being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) including much plastic making machinery. It covers most all GB marketed products that previously required the CE mark, for example, equipment covered by the UK’s Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008. The UKCA marking alone cannot be used for goods placed on the Northern Ireland market, which and instead, NI marketed products either require the CE marking or the UKNI marking.

As a manufacturer, importer or distributor it is now a legal requirement that companies know when and how to apply these new marks are applied.

The UKCA marking came into effect on 1 January 2021. However, to allow businesses time to adjust to the new requirements, you will still be able to use the CE marking can still be used until 1 January 2022 in most cases.

Topics covered included:

  • How do manufacturers and distributors of equipment apply the UKCA mark to their products?
  • Impact of UKCA marking on machinery, spare parts and components?
  • How does the marking affect import and export?
  • In what instance must the UKCA mark be used now?
  • When to use the CE mark and when to use the UKNI mark in Northern Ireland?
  • I’m a distributor of EEA or NI made equipment, am I now an Importer and if so what are my new responsibilities?
  • Can manufacturers use items that are not UKCA marked in their equipment?
  • Can end users import CE marked parts for their own use?

If you require any assistance understanding what UKCA/UKNI marking means for your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with [email protected].

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