Thank you for finding our horse, we hope you are enjoying the trail.
Enter your name, email address and telephone number (optional) on the form along with the location you found our horse to be entered into our prize draw to win a £30 Amazon voucher. One lucky winner will have their name drawn at random once the trail has ended and the voucher will be emailed out.
Click here for the form to enter!
Terms and Conditions:
1. Only one entry per person is accepted.
2. All entrants should be aged 18+. If you are under the age of 18 please ask someone over the age to 18 to enter for you. The winner will be asked to verify their age.
3. The competition will close at 11.59 pm on Sunday 4th September 2022. Entries received after this date will not count.
4. The winner will be drawn at random once the trail has ended.
5. The winner will be notified within 7 working days of the winners name being drawn.
6. If the chosen winner is unresponsive after 14 working days, another name will be drawn and there will be a new winner.
7. The data collected from this giveaway will only be held until a winner has claimed their prize. After which all details will be deleted.