
Finch offering advice on the human factor, HSE interventions and the sentencing guidelines in the leisure sector

Advice on Human Factors | Finch Consulting

Thank you Paul Kelly and the team at BALPPA for inviting @FinchConfidence experts Dr Richard BrownMelvin Sandell and Susan Dearden to speak on 28th November 2018 and allowing us to sponsor the H&S Seminar at #DraytonManor alongside Lorica Insurance Brokers


  • Accounting for the #HumanFactor (the squiddy stuff)
  • Dealing with #HSEInspections (ask Melvin Sandell what he really called it)
  • Potential risk from #NewSentencingGuidelines (this woke us up!)

A great turnout in number and quality and I hope we added even just a little value to BALPPA Members’ businesses.

#engineering #finchacademy #finchcommunity #finchconfidence #healthandsafety #finchcasts