An international automated warehouse builder and integrator trusted Finch to assist with asset safety management, including UKCA marking, of a new state-of-the-art warehouse and fulfilment project for one of the UK’s largest supermarket chains.
Project Summary
International automated warehouse builder and integrator
Finch are experts in asset management and health and safety management and advised the many manufacturers, suppliers and integrators subcontracted into the project over the new equipment lifecycle. Finch is now helping its client’s client – the supermarket – with its automation projects too.
An initial intensive period was managed and led by Finch to work through the Design Risk Assessment: this was invaluable in saving time, money and trouble (including expensive and frustrating redesign work) by verifying and validating the hazards and controls before specifications were signed off and orders confirmed.
Undertaking this piece of work prior to orders being placed, minimises the often simple but disruptive issues found during PUWER assessments and similar after installation and prior to operation.
Remaining independent and impartial members of the design team, Finch people consulted with all stakeholders in the UK and Europe to check that equipment, machinery and processes conformed with industry standards and complied with legislation.