A Consultant with over 30 years’ experience in the field of noise and vibration, mostly in the investigation and prevention of occupational exposures associated with ill health, machinery safety, and noise as a safety issue.
With HSE as HM Principal Specialist Inspector (Noise & Vibration), he developed HSE’s technical policies on noise, hand-arm vibration and whole-body vibration, with lead responsibility for the topic of noise. He developed HSE guidance, Regulations, and benchmarks for good practice on control of risks, and supported HSE inspection, investigation and enforcement as a specialist investigator and expert witness.
At the start of his career, he worked in HSE’s research division, providing research and scientific/technical support, measurement/analysis of occupational exposures and development of measurement/analysis techniques. He has further experience across a range of architectural, environmental and occupational acoustics projects.
He has experience with International (ISO) and European (CEN) Standards as a UK-nominated expert to various working groups dealing with occupational noise, protection of hearing and related issues.