
Mine Winding and Inclined Railways Risk Assessments & Inspections Resume

Mine Winding and Inclined Railways Risk Assessments & Inspections Resume

For the last 30 years Finch Consulting experts have been trusted by mining, and tourist attraction operators who transport people with risk management advice as well as regulatory and compliance services.

When the UK went into lockdown in March 2020, onsite inspections had to be temporarily suspended and we are now pleased to announce that we can now resume equipment risk assessments, inspections and instrumented testing.

These inspections involve the instrumented testing of the protective systems on the machinery to ensure the speed protection envelope, safety systems and the mechanical and electrical braking systems are still performing satisfactorily.

They must be carried out by competent individuals. Our experts are independent, fully qualified and experienced in carrying out these inspections. For mine hoists for example, they are completed in accordance with a model testing code which was developed following the ‘Markham Disaster’ at Markham Colliery, Derbyshire in 1973.

Whilst these inspections are usually carried out on an bi-annual basis, it is recommended that all businesses that use transport systems to carry persons in shafts or steep inclines they complete an additional inspection prior to the re-opening of operations and before people are once again allowed to be carried.

Leading this service is Principal Consultant Alan Pressley who is an experienced Testing Engineer, with extensive experience of instrumented dynamic testing, problem solving and investigation on complex, hazardous area and safety critical engineering systems and machinery. He has, along with his colleague Kevin Gayson, been involved in the safe compliance testing and front line field engineering service of multi £m hoisting and transport systems for over 30 years.

He often liaises with HM Inspectorate of Mines and Quarries for incident investigation and provides consultation on all technical and operational aspects of winding equipment, inclined railways, rope haulage installations, underground locomotives, emergency mobile winders and winches.

If you would like to arrange an inspection please email [email protected]

Alan Pressley | Finch Consulting