Our Client, a major residential developer, approached Finch Consulting in 2020 to provide a comprehensive noise impact assessment to support its proposals for a 100 dwelling development.
Project Summary
Residential Developer
Project Length
1+ Years
The development was a landscape led scheme located inside an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Following an initial submission of a noise impact assessment by other noise consultants, the Local Authority raised concerns in relation to the absence of an assessment in the reporting in relation to environmental noise pollution due to helicopter flyovers from a nearby military base and industrial noise from a nearby Agriculture hire and sale of equipment and machinery business. The initial noise impact assessment only assessed the road traffic noise impact from the dual carriageway to the East.
The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to sustainable development. The environmental noise impacts have to be reviewed and analysed with reference to the relevant aims in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Local Plan. As per national policy, new developments should be prevented from being adversely affected by unacceptable levels of noise pollution. As per the framework, planning policies and decisions should ensure that noise impacts from new developments are mitigated and reduced to a minimum and also that they don’t give rise to significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life.